Sunday, 29 January 2012

Clémence Poésy; bon chic

Clémence Poésy for Glamour UK Feb 2012

I kinda heart Clémence Poésy. I even kinda want her name and her nationality; this goes beyond coveting her wardrobe . Just finished writing about her for work, and i am further in love with her clothes. I am thinking and scheming of ways to meet her and get those red wash skinny jeans
So chic. so simple.
such shiny hair as well. i am going to dream about those jeans!

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Bonne année. Bon Hiver.

Shala Monoroque for Vogue Nippon Jan 2012

I am a little late to the party, but i hear it's fashionable to be late! Anyways, my dear readers who should really be asleep at this time of the night, Happy freaking New Year.
Currently listening to the Bon Iver. Bon Iver is like my muse. My hairy, indy, hipster muses. Right now, i would probably marry Justin Vernon no questions asked; he writes so beautifully! Sure, i can't understand most of it?! But it's okay!

I have great plans for this year.
For one, I want to be an awesome part time yoga teacher. If i become one of those really douchy ones that kinda yell at people for mixing up their left legs with their right, please, by all means, feel free to smack me in the face. Really hard. I will provide the smacking plank for the job. i.

I also want to wear more red. Red is the colour of the root chakras which allows us to experience the basics. I also look nice and friendly in red. Okay, enough granola talk.
Real talk.
I don't really do resolutions, i set intentions.( i stole that from some yogis in my class, :)
Well, my main intention is to be healthy, that's always my intention, i am always easy like that. Healthy physically but also emotionally in my interactions with people and the likes. And i think the last part is not always as easy.

I also intend on making a shit load of money so i can buy that read dress in the picture- i thought i needed to balance the granola talk with some hardcore consumerist intentions! :)
It's been a crazy challenging year with a couple of pity parties already, but after the party is the afterparty, and my afterparties is when i get really creative and turn all the "bad" stuff into my USP.
So here is to my red dress.
Here is to Vogue Nippon
Bon Hiver= Happy Winter