Monday 26 July 2010

Hervé Léger

"I wasted my week on billowing dreams
hiding under seams and inside sleeves
being swept away by cascading illusions
until i fell
into a right fit
with a pair of slippers to match"© fashion and fables

Once upon a preconceived idea, i thought it was best not to wear too fitting clothes. I am too small; I will resemble a little skeleton. une petite skeleton, mais no?mais qui? actually i think someone planted that into my mind when i wasn't looking.
But since i am nearing an mid-20s life crisis. I hear i should be anyways. doesn't everyone have one? Give it up for 28. yahhhh
So i was thinking of changing my wardrobe into a more Herve-leger body-con one to suit this transition.
Anyone looking to buy me a Ferrari or find me a 22-yr old boy toy by the name of Robert Patterson is so more than welcome.
I like the colour red, and prefer my boys french or latin, cheers!

Herve, Leger. I just like to say his name. don't you! herrrrrrrrrrrve. oh the french. Actually, you all do know his real name was Hervé L. Leroux. Well herveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee brought in the bondage dress look which can work. You might need some resuscitation after awhile, but it works.
i picked up a pick one in topshop-on sale. of course. For like 15 quid. I know. High five me!
And pink makes it less, well, one has to ease into a mid-20s midlife crisis.

if i could afford the above nrs.

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