Tuesday 10 November 2009

Naomi's Eden

" Four rivers for a walled orchard
blighted by swinging ivy that blinds the eye
Paradise is of lust as much as it is of love" fashionandfables

One of the things that draws me to Flaunt magazine is their play on concepts and presentation. Each issue is treated to two covers, both adhering to one theme. The more commercial and obvious image is the epidermis of the magazine so to say, and this layer opens up to a more daring and artistic interpretation of the overarching theme. And sometimes the first cover is the artistic interpretation, like issue nr 58, my very first purchase of the magazine might i add. This issue had an abstract portraiture of the lovely Mos Def! hot.
Fast forward to the current edition, and Flaunt is still at it. I am not sure if i really like the cover. But i like the concept. It was shot by David LaChapelle who named it “The Rape of Africa” and features Naomi Campbell. It holds my interest.

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