Tuesday 22 December 2009

Shala Monroque

in and out of worlds
light on my feet
i dip my toes in a feast
splash around in a prim garden for tea
and walk quietly away from a scene
leaving you with a picture to remember how i dressed the stride"

Yes, the mourning of Katie Grand's departure has been long, very long. There were days when it was hard to get out of bed you know. Or hear the word Pop without wanting to burst out in tears. Oh those days! Thank goodness for good old English Tea! But, i think it's time to bid adieu to all our black attires and perhaps opt for some gray hues? Because the stylish editor-at-large Shala Monroque is oh so freaking fashionable. Dig her hair too! I dig her hair a lot. And she has amazing taste in jewellery and knows how to pick a great colour, did i also mention she looks great in a turban! Wondering if she needs like a side-kick?