Wednesday 16 February 2011

Ode To Blair Waldorf

Dear Blair Waldorf,
I would like you to consider taking on the role of my "Best Friend Forever."
I am normally quite against such nonsense and labels, though if i am honest i do quite like the sound of it!
Yes, but for you Blair i would wear matching hear-shaped pendants, let you braid my hair after 100 brush strokes, and keep you entertained with stories of conquests; that's what BFFs do right?
Why you may ask? Not to worry, it is not for your impeccable taste, though i do covet your wardrobe. No, mon cherie it's because you are fearless and inspiring.
You see something you want, you work hard for it , and yes, sometimes you have to scheme and crush a couple of souls to get it, tsk tsk. But nonetheless you are awesome. I like people who are inspiring. People who don't make excuses for their actions but embrace their limitations and make it into an asset. And you are freaking harsh! love it. You are like House MDbut with a better wardrobe :)
So Blair , what do you say. Let's make it official. I will throw in a shopping date? Or you can be my escort to Esthetica Champagne Brunch for London Fashion Week?
I wait eagerly for your reply

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