Saturday 26 November 2011

The Book of Laughter and Forgiving

I like to revisit old books. You know, just to say hi, see if everyone is still as i left them :). I am thinking of buying more books at the moment, but i think it's best i just borrow them from the library. Buying means i am committing to a "library" of my own. Which will mean, i can't fit all my stuff in my one suitcase and split should i want to. I am not saying i want to... I know, get a kindle. I freaking hate kindles. That's the last we shall speak of Kindles. .. I am sure Kindles are awesome, my dad has one, he loves it. My sister loves hers. I just want a real book you know. PLEASE NEVER GET ME A KINDLE.

"The Book of Laughter and Forgetting" By Milan Kundera.
Awesome chap.
Awesome book. Not much laughing when i come to think of it.
awesome paragraph.
Funny thing is, i think i liked this paragraph the first time i read it.

"Every man has two erotic biographies. The first is the one people mainly talk about, the one consisting of a list of affairs and passing amours. The other is undoubtedly more interesting: the procession of women we wanted to have but who eluded us, the painful history of unrealised possibilities. But there is the third, a mysterious and disturbing category of women. these are the women we liked and were liked by, but women we quickly saw we would never have, because in relation to them we we were on the other side of the border."

i feel like i have number 2 s and 3s a lot. with men that is. not women.
so here is to you all my number 2s and 3s. i raise my cider to you

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